Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Captain Taniwha

Captain Taniwha swims out of his tiny space ship and swims for his life,the enormous shark with razor sharp teeth swims after the scared yummy captain Taniwha. The shark grabs hold captain taniwhas foot,GOLP!!! down goes captain taniwha.Captain taniwha slides down the Sharks long red tounge
And goes flying into the sharks enormous belly. Captain taniwha pulls out his green mere and starts cutting.

After 2 long boring hours Captain taniwha finally cuts out of the sharks body.The humongous shark turns around and bites out a chunk of captain taniwha gooey foot.Captain taniwha screams out help help help, but no one can hear him.

Captain Taniwha pulls out his mere and strucks the sharks enormous head BANG!!! the shark sinks down to the bottom of the sea.With fear Captain Taniwha swims to safety.

My term2 goals